Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's a slippery slope.

I may have been a bit of a 'zilla just now. I could chalk it up to being over-caffeinated. Or maybe I can still blame it on PMS - wait, what day is it? - nope, it really was my first 'zilla moment. Eep. Before I slink apologetically back into the other room, hoping that hubs-to-be isn't totally beyond snuggling, I thought I'd allow for some cool-down time and pen a new blog entry.

I just had a guest-list/etiquette related freak out. Earlier, I was getting anxious over the logistics of the BBQ serving (!!!). I feel like I'm on a reality show. Ugh. Like any minute, I will turn into a total psycho and be judged by millions of people. Maybe I now regret scoffing at the brides on "Say Yes to The Dress". It's a lot of pressure. Chastity from Alabama: I feel you, dude.

OK, to be fair, I have a lot of other non-wedding drama on my mind. Oh, and PMS, right? Right? *sigh* I just can't let myself get bogged down by silly details (at least not this soon). I'll be totally out of control by June, at this rate. You know, climbing tall buildings, breathing fire, crushing babies. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.

On the bright side, we met with a wedding photographer (friend and former co-worker, Carolyn Thrasher... props!), found a wholesale florist, and had a very productive conversation about favours and food. Despite my inexplicable moodiness, today was a good day.

Hmmm, just realized that my aqua fabric swatch is still not here. *nail biting* Argh, look, anxious again! Slippery slope, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Hugs!
    Weddings are stressful- anyway you slice 'em!
    No crushing babies though- ok?
    I'm sure it wasn't nearly as bad as you think it was.
    anyway- stomp on sister - how often do you get to be the bride?
    enjoy it in all its gnarly glory
