Wednesday, April 22, 2009

*sniff, sniff*

Dudley, it’s just you and me, babe. I hope you can tie ribbons and operate scissors.

So, I previously mentioned that Alex was to be out of the picture for the month of May. He’s recording a full-length album with his band in LA with an amazing producer. While this is incredibly exciting, I can’t help but allow it to be overshadowed by the fact that it will be a major burden financially. Oh yeah, and I’m flying solo on the wedding planning. Yikes! Even worse, now, it looks like it’s going to be for TWO months – June and July. Ack!

Luckily, it seems I have chosen my team wisely - everyone is chomping at the bit to get involved. Well girls, it shall soon be your time to shine! I will surely be roping the Ottawa chapter of Team Wedding into helping with jam favours (Philam and Vicky, yeah!). As for Team Montana (Liz), we have some major griping/dishing Skype dates in our future!

In other Team Wedding news, I have enlisted the stylish help of my friend Shemeena (and hopefully any of the other Toronto-based girls) to do a little dress shopping this weekend. Yes, THE dress (previously blogged-about aqua number) is still top contender, but this is the only time in my life that I will get to have this experience. I might as well strut around in a few poufy white dresses for a couple of hours, right?

I am open to non-traditional suggestions for dress shops in the downtown area. Remember: I DON’T have a car, I DO have a budget and I am NOT interested in a floor length white gown. The dresses below are examples of styles I would love to mimic. Too bad most of these are so out of my budget. Christian Lacroix... *drool*.


  1. oh no! the bride crying is so sad - wait is that from the cashmere commercial?? that puts a differnt spin on it!

    seriously though Day, whatever you need!

  2. i was cruising on queen west yesterday with w and there are a lot of pretty dresses out there. i would definitely check comrags ... on a normal shop they're pretty high end, but for your dress to be, might be right on the money.

    i love the dress avec cowboy boots!

  3. While I was in the bridal stores (yuck) I noticed ALOT have non-traditional dresses, apparently they are in high demand now. Lots and lots of short ones (similar to your cowboy pic and the one beside) and they often come in different just have to ask. Also many of the dresses for destination weddings are completly look around...even in the stores you never thought to look...have fun and good luck!!!
