Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cyan/Cerulean/Aqua/Sea Foam/Robins Egg?

No matter how you look at it, it's more blue than green.

I found THE dress a while back, but was concerned that my interpretation of the colour as "sea foam green" was described to me as "actually more of an aqua" by the designer. "Robin's egg blue" also came up. These two more-blue-than-green hues had me worried. I'm not much for pastels, but the idea of a fresh pistachio-pudding-esque shade sounded stunning popped out with white accessories. It seemed so retro, like a 50's party dress. I fantasize about a Vespa in the very same colour. I am crazy about anything green. A hue closer to pale blue seems more appropriate for a baby shower than a wedding. But, the computer monitor can be deceiving. So I asked the designer to send a swatch and she kindly obliged. See above.

OK so, NOT sea foam green. I am now on the fence. Afraid of looking like a cupcake, I may opt out of colour altogether, sadly, and go for white. The same designer does a similar number in a glittery white chiffon. It's still very non-traditional as far as wedding dresses go (short and more of a cocktail dress). I'd love to post the two and get opinions, but I have to leave something a surprise, right?


  1. it could be your something blue!

  2. I know what they look like! They are both gorgeous, although personally I would go with the white. It could be your something blue, but it may just end up being your something off/something not quite what you imagined. Maybe a whole new dress would be better than an approximation to your ideal?

  3. haha yes don't let the blog life suck you in! let it be a surprise! You better post MANY pics after the wedding!

    You're too fashion forward for my brain and i"m sure whatever you chose will be beautiful!
