Monday, July 6, 2009

La La Land

I wrote my Thank-yous for the shower last night. I feel like I'm doing little things to feel a sense of accomplishment, and somehow avoiding the major tasks. Truth is, I keep waiting for a huge chunk of time to really delve into wedding to-dos. This may not happen. At least, it won't happen anytime soon. I leave for LA in 2 days! This week, besides the usual things that occupy my waking hours - work, dog, house/garden upkeep - I have also filled my days with long-overdue appointments, and necessary errands for trip preparation. Plus, I am scrambling to tie up loose ends at work. I'm afraid our poor wedding will be neglected for yet another week. *sigh*

Perhaps, however, the guys will have long days in the studio, and I, having run out of shopping money by day 2, will have nothing better to do than sit by the pool with my laptop and finally tackle my to-dos. Wishful thinking.

Oh, does this count as actual progress: today I discussed wedding hair with my stylist and we decided on a braided side-bun (although I will need temporary extensions) to really let my yet-to-be-purchased giant flower headpiece shine. The catch? I have to pull off the 'do myself. As we'll be farm-bound 3 days prior to the wedding, there's no way my Toronto stylist could possibly tackle it. No fear! Years of cutting my own hair should invariably make me equipped for the job. Right? Right?

Until I have real wedding news, I will leave you with this lovely blog from Etsy: Click here!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE L.A!!!!!!!! You will have SOOOOOOOOOO much out for the Paparazzi!!!!! -
