Friday, July 3, 2009

A Chance of Showers

I could really go nuts if I keep sourcing inspiration pics. There is just so much out there to awe and inspire; *sigh* if I only had 6 more months and an unlimited budget. But really my whole existence has been made possible by last minute decisions and on-a-dime budgets. Maybe I like the challenge.

Speaking of inspiration, I love this "Real Wedding" on Once Wed: the dress, the girl, the pictures. Ahhh, so romantic...

I am, admittedly, a tad behind. Despite jam-making success and nailing out a menu with mom this weekend, there are far too many major hurdles to conquer and I am wasting time fussing with inspiration boards. (But this is the FUN part). Focus, Dayna, focus.

Today my general well-being went from A-OK to near-death in 45 minutes flat. We went out for a staff brunch and by the time it ended, I swore I would vomit if anyone so much as looked at me the wrong way. My head pounded, my eyes pulsed. I was concerned that this could be something serious that would render me bed ridden and unable to catch up on clean-up, unpacking/re-packing, and wedding stuff. I walked my bike home from work around noon, taking twice the usual time, and verging on passing out. I have deduced that it was actually a migraine. A 3-hour nap and a few Advil did the trick. Whew, all better for the weekend!


Another reason for my trip home to Ottawa, was the shower that my mom-in-law-to-be wanted to throw for me, to introduce me to my new relatives.

[ Opening Leah and Sally's very fragrant gift. Mmmmm, Christmas trees!]

I had met most of them only briefly, and the thought of the event had me feeling a tad awkward. But my mom and her friend, and three of my Ottawa-based girlfriends came along. Alex's family was so great, though, and I didn't actually need the moral support after all. Although, I am SO glad they came anyway. We scored enough towels to completely replace our current somewhat dingy collection. Yay! Mom bought us a memory foam mattress topper...sigh... I might never leave bed. Seriously, best thing to happen to me since Alex and Dudley!

[ Dudley helps to open Philam's immaculately wrapped gift]

I now own "negligée" as well, care of Philam, Jane and her girls. I suppose they are more suitable married-adult pyjammas than my fat pants and a ratty t-shirt. Opening lacy undergarments in front of your future in-laws is not really something I would reccommend normally, but the experience was far less painful than I had imagined.

[ New Family - Meghan, Andrea and Betty ]

Mom-in-law promised no weird games, and kept her word. Leah and Philam were attempting to fashion a hat out of gift bows, however. The evening was really lovely, and nothing like my worst fears about showers. Great company, wine and food - perfect! I am sneaky enough to have found out that a potential 2nd shower is in the works. I am attempting to thwart it.

Thanks Diana and the Dagenais/Drouin/Stevenson clan for welcoming me to the family!

[ "We need to save the bows!"]


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those gift bows may make an appearance yet! I was glad to be there for you.
