Saturday, June 6, 2009

Every penny counts these days...

On Saturday around 2pm, we shut down our wedding fundraiser (ahem, yardsale) and packed up the remainder of our treasures (er, junk?) for Goodwill (well, I did - Alex conveniently had rehearsal that afternoon).

[ from ]

We made - drumroll, please - a whopping $112.50. OK, so not fantastic, considering a third of that came from one sale (our friend Tabor, likely taking pity on us!). However, anything helps. With a wedding coming soon, and Alex taking a 2-month unpaid leave to LA, we can use every cent!

We've already spent half of it renting a car and taking a road trip out to see the venue once more. There were a few measurements to be taken, and we wanted to get a feel for the place now that the trees are in bloom. I was looking forward to the day, as we'd planned to take the opportunity to mosey through Prince Edward County. It was our last full day together before Alex hops on a plane this Sunday. *tear*
However, Mother Nature was not kind, and gave us a dreary day, not suited to moseying. It was, nonetheless, a productive trip. Oh, and it reinforced my original sentiment: the farm is the most gorgeous place on earth.

Our second round of measurements revealed that fitting our ever growing guest list into the barn would be nearly impossible. Plan B? Well, we didn't have one. Upon inspection of the area, though, we found a nice patch of grass that appeared perfect for pitching a huge tent. We are eating outside. I am somewhat disappointed, as the light streaming in through the barn boards during daylight hours is ever so romantic. We will however, move the entire party into the barn post dinner for a barn dance. Eliminating the tables will make the squeeze just a little less of an issue. I imagine that some of the older folks will opt out of a little "getting jiggy with it" anyway (no, Will Smith is not on the playlist).

Back to the drawing board for me, as I now need to create a decor/lighting plan for two spaces. Insert eye roll/look of confusion from Alex here. Staying within our $10, 000 budget could be a challenge...

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